Tuesday, August 01, 2023

The July 2023 Ramble

The NERDS came out in force yesterday - there was Matt, Bish, Captain, Sandyballs, Froggy. Paco and moi. We got on the 12x bus

from Seaford (at least, the Seaford contingency did ), then they were joined by Laf and on. on into Brighton to meet Sandyballs at Starbucks. Starbucks was full of very young, leggy females

who were either tourists or schoolgirls on holiday. It was hell. The NERDS sat around talking shit and comparing hearing aids. Nobody noticed all the female flesh walking around ( of course not).

Eventually a No, 77 bus

came and we all used our bus passes ( of course ) and sat upstairs for the view. Finally we got to Devil's Dyke which seemed to be a huge tourist attraction

for everybody, School holidays, you know.

So we rushed inside and bagged a table and a waitress.

Food was excellent and lots of bottles of red wine were drunk

- mostly Rioja and Argentinian Malbec

- very nice. Then the photos began.

You will see that I wuvved Froggy very much.

More than that I don't remember.

I do vaguely remember getting on the 77 back to the station and then getting a bus home to Newhaven. Must have been a good ramble.
We should have another ramble in August.

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