Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Starting Instructions

Dear Fellow Nerds,
This month we walk on THURSDAY 26th. As promised we will be revisiting an old favourite - The Trevor Arms at Glynde. The location of the  very first NERDS ramble, of course, all those years ago. When we were young, full of youthful vigour and nobody was fat and grey-haired.....
Anyway, the usual 09.55 from Seaford and I will meet you at Lewes station at 10.14. The Trevor opens at 11.30 which should be about right after we have trekked our way up to the golf course and over the top. Day return tickets to Glynde of course, as we will NOT be walking back to Lewes.
Topic of conversation around the table should be our accommodation in Prague, of course.
See y'all on the day.