Sunday, April 16, 2023

2023 April Ramble (or pub-crawl).

We went for a " ramble " last Thursday. NERDS are ever dwindling and Matt always seems to be on a cruise somewhere so we were reduced to Paco, Froggy, Sandyballs et moi.

We all met at The Steamworks,

the cafe cum pub next to Seaford railway station. This place is of course very handy to get to, and saves having to drive when drinks are involved.

After a few coffees and Kraken rums

(Froggy's favourite drink) we found that they served a beer brewed locally by Roger Daltrey of Who fame.

This was quite delicious so we had a couple of these and pondered going on a ramble somewhere, Froggy had a route planned that involved getting the bus to Eastbourne and then walking around somewhere. Unfortunately after a couple of Roger Daltrey

Specials nobody felt inclined to go anywhere - so we didn't.

Instead we "rambled" down the road to The Plough,

the Seaford pub nearest the churchyard where the C**ds used to assemble when Brian Atrill was alive. So with this powerful recommendation we had high expectations. It was nearly full of the local bourgeoisie and we had trouble getting a table for four! How times have changed. We used to go to a country pub, take over the whole place and not get thrown out until about 4 o'clock.

The food was good, most of us showed little imagination and had either fish and chips or scampi and chips (Old Folks' Food) plus a lot of wine and cognac from Sandyballs secret store. Then we finished off with Eton Mess, (always interesting to see how different pubs approach this).

So after all this heavy walking and drinking we went home.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Final Arrangements for April's 2023 Ramble

Hi ,
Next Ramble is THURSDAY the 13th, As previously messaged, this will be a home game for the Seafordites. We meet at The Steamworks micro-pub at about 10.40. Basically it is a make-it-up-as you go Ramble. Lunch could be at one of the many dozen faux Italian restaurants to be found in the Newhaven-Seaford conurbation.
Incidentally, I was in The Anchor Ringmer on Wednesday. I enquired about Malcolm from one of the serving wenches and she said that Bronco was better and had been into the pub a few times recently. Hopefully he will be well enough soon to reply to emails from Froggy and myself!


2023 April Ramble arrangements

Hi guys

After meeting up in Steamworks, @ whenever, I thought we could maybe bus it to Eastbourne from the library and walk to a pub (I remember as being) the Terminus. It does sensible basic food and is a haven for old gits. What is good is the fiesty ancient barmaid, a good choice of ales and the possible opportunity to commandeer an American-styled 50's booth if available and if there are only a max 4 of us. Or................there is always the Cornhill Garage Wetherspoons........... the choice is there!

I will personally ensure that you, Harry get back to Seaford station for maybe more foaming pints ahead of your train, unless of course you'd prefer going Eastbourne direct to Lewes?

So this is my idea for the April ramble (a mere 1 - 2 mile max on concrete, both ways but basically an old-fashioned bus-pass ramble)!

Sorry Matt, I feel pretty sure you'd have loved this? Hope the cruise is giving you good vibrations? Maybe we can include another Wetherspoon breakie when you're free)?

Bus passes at the ready!!!

Froggy X


Thanks Harry, I appreciate your chosen date and I'll look into any possible "beyond the seafront" options.

Either your 10:00 arriving in Seaford at 10:17 or your 10:30 arriving at 10:48 would be good for the Steamworks meet up?



April's Ramble arrangements 2023


How about meeting on THURSDAY 13th? Can be flexible around the day. Probably meeting up in Steamworks Seaford and having a short walk along the Front.



March 2023 Ramble

No notes this time but perhaps there will be some later!

Some time later!:-

Anyway, my memories of the ill-fated March Ramble. It took place on THURSDAY 23rd – always a bad plan to abandon the usual Wednesday plan. The gods don’t approve and it usually rains! Prior to the day of the walk the excuses started to roll in – the usual “ I feel a bit ill”

, “ I am on a cruise”, “ I mistook the date” etc.. So at the meeting point at Lewes station

there was only myself and Froggy. Although not technically a quorum, we decided to go ahead with the walk as there was a rumour that one or two members may meet us at the pub – The Juggs at Kingston.

The route was familiar to all NERDS and is famous for being almost totally on tarmac. Mercifully it was dry and fine and the time passed pleasantly and there were no tiresome periods of silence that occasionally characterize some rambles.

Eventually we made the pub and rushed to the bar, tongues hanging out and desperate to slake our thirst with foaming pints. We passed into the dining room and found Matt and the Bish ensconced there and necking pints ( well the Bish was). Turns out these two worthies had arrived in Matt’s car. So there were only two walkers

on the day! We dined and quaffed well and then it was time to hit the road. Well it was for me as Froggy also returned to Seaford in Matt’s car. Eschewing the almost non-existent 123 bus service I had to pound the pavement

back to Lewes solo. So ended the March 2023 Ramble – I don’t know if rambles have Numbers any more?

