Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Secondary Joining Instructions for NEW FOREST RAMBLE

Yo! Nerds!
Might as well get the joining instructions out early, so that I can relax for a short while and pretend that I too am retired! Huh! Fat Chance! They will be bleeding me dry for the full remaining 2 years...moan moan moan groan groan groan, bummer......Well done to dear old Harry for getting out when it really mattered the most!
I've worked out a couple of familiar(ish) walks, reduced in length to just 4-5 miles in order to allow for unexpected delays & distractions from the odd deer watching; bird watching (both kinds); hip flasking; old thumpering and general bad behaviour. My long-standing idea of incorporating the lunch pub facilities at Burley was knocked well and truly on the head when I discovered that there was no return transport ! - oh well, maybe we could actually stay in the village at a future date? And maybe, just maybe we could take a detour there before going home, just to check it out? In the wake of such disappointment, t'was a struggle to decide which walk when and where; but, in the end, I've settled for a return train @ 17:44hrs (@ £3 x 4 - from whip) on the half day walk and a return bus (payment for just me and BT then [ Oh no, just you as my bus pass is still valid!!]) every 30 mins on the full day ramble, which should allow for quite a laid back start time (especially after all the beans I'm getting for breakie)! and which will also introduce us to a brand new lunch pub, not a million miles away from our favourite Oak Inn (hmmmmm, maybe I've given away too much here)?
Anyway, in order to gird our loins at a reasonable hour for the first day ramble, I propose to be leaving Harry's no later than 10:15hrs. I shall therefore be "doing my taxi thang" at Lavender Lodge at 09:30hrs. In-car entertainment will no doubt allow the Skinheads to go bowling; as well as offering a slight peppering of shit-kicking music for Brian and some old (& new) favourites to delight Lafayette & Sandyballs. Please make sure you already have your water bottles; suckies; newspapers; johnny bags etc. as I shan't be planning on stopping en route (at any point) and I have it mind to be arriving @ 12:00hrs in Brockenhurst (whether the rooms are ready or not)!
It goes without saying (so why am I saying it)? that I, for one, am really, really looking forward to spending some quality time in one of my all-time favourite places with 3 of my all-time favourite friends......so let's make it a good one and I embrace you all!!!!! I've even splashed out on a brand new spanking up-to-date mappa mundi of the New Forest. And........no doubt......no doubt........ Tradition will be maintained with lunch at the Black Rabbit, on the return journey?
The Frogster XXX See you all on Tuesday 10th May!

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Joining Instructions for The New Forest Ramble

Joining Instructions for May’s New Forest Ramble 2011

Froggy gets the day right (unlike Sandyballs) and with any luck the organisational skills will be methodized appropriately. Here is the Epistle according to Froggy:-

I've just booked our two, twin bedded rooms for two nights at the Rose & Crown on Tuesday 10th May and Wednesday 11th May. I tried to get both rooms in the annexe, but was only offered the usual 1 in the pub and 1 in the annexe. I, for one, have never been privileged to sleep anywhere else but in the pub. So advance warning that I will be challenging for the annexe room, along with Brian (if he'll have me)! This time the rooms may not be available before 14:00 hrs (depending on whether they have been occupied), so we may have to eat first and check-in later. There was also an offer of 20% off on all food, if on-line bookings took place before end of April; though I'm not sure if that also applies to telephone bookings and in my excitement at being promised baked beans for breakfast, I clean forgot to check! I shan't be getting any confirmation by email about the booking (something to do with a "lost" computer code from the previous time, so perhaps Lord Charles and Harry could confirm the booking as well as double checking the 20% off food offer on your trip to Ringwood?
I'm including a useful link or three:-
http://www.driftinn.co.uk/ http://www.rosecrownpubbrockenhurst.co.uk/ http://www.thesnakecatcher.co.uk/
The Drift Inn was the Beaulieu Road Motel (Old Thumper Pub). I can't seem to get hold of the website for the Old Oak at Bank, near Lyndhurst, so maybe I should think of a complete change of direction for the full day and check out the possibilities of going to Burley instead? Plenty of time for research after my Costa Rica trip next week......
Hope yous enjoyed the ramble photies?!
F-F Frog
ps Perhaps I should volunteer to do the driving, as Harry has to drive to France the day after we come back? The skinheads will be taken bowling in whichever car goes!!!!

April Fool's Ramble 2011

NERDS’ RAMBLE No 257 1st April ‘11.

Those Present - Sandyballs, Froggy, Lafayette, Dio,
Matt, Bronco.

The Meeting Bronco Ramble.

Well, despite increasing the font size for last month’s ramble to enable B.T. to fit in all the photos which Froggy may have taken, this arrangement was not to everyone’s liking…” You can please some of the people some of the time, but not…..etc” (Joseph Stalin.) So poor overworked Lafayette had to re-think his next masterpiece so that all myopic NERDS could have access. The new font size is therefore bigger than the original classic style but not so big that it fucks up the way it sits on your personal I-pad, I-phone or what have you. Hope you’re all happy with it now.

Most of us met up on that regular 10 o’clockish train from Seaford where Matt was amusing his audience with the tale of how he’d bought some cord trousers from M&S five years previously ( he’d been invited to join a hush hush secret society somewhere in Seaford, apparently) but had to take them back because the cording had been worn away by all the frottage caused by dubious sexual practices. Not surprisingly M&S had been unwilling to replace the trousers even though Matt had said he’d settle for a free dessert from their expensive food hall instead. You can’t win ‘em all, Matt!

Sandyballs, this month’s route master, met us all at Lewes waving his grandson and heir, baby Flintoff, in our faces. Flintoff took one look at Lafayette and ran screaming for the hills - he seemed to have some hang-up about Lafayette making faces and noises at him. Well, he’s a baby innit? Aren’t they there for people to make faces and noises at them? Anyway, Mrs Sandyballs hurriedly made off with the precious little bundle and Sandyballs gave everyone a lift to his split level, ranch sized residence up the hill.

First off we were given a guided tour of the new secret underground bunker in Mill Rd. which the Sandyballs family had filled up with bottles of champagne and where they all planned to get arseholed watching the royal wedding. This was so they could pick up tips about who to invite later on in the year to the even bigger royal wedding within the family. Maybe Kate and Will will come to theirs…..oooh, exciting!

So aperitifs were taken in the ranch style etc. and much whiskey and coffee was imbibed. Matt said he was going on holiday to Slovenia soon and it was going to cost about as much as presently owed by the Irish economy. Someone suggested he be patriotic and donate the costs of his holiday to the Irish economy, a bit like a sort of Green Nose Day, but this didn’t seem to go down too well. Froggy looked out of the window and thought Sandyballs must have found a new way to play his CDs since they were all festooning his cherry tree. Sandyballs patiently explained it was a secret New Age method of making his tree produce more cherries since the Tree Fairies liked listening to music. Froggy thought this was a good idea and said he would hang some of his own CDs on his son’s bedroom door knob to magic him into being polite to him once more. Nuff said.

Lafayette wanted to know how old the lovely Susannah Reid on television was so Sandyballs got out his laptop and hacked into her webcam. Turned out she was about forty and we could just see her getting ready to go to bed after a strenuous morning on the Breakfast programme. Lafayette then wanted to see what Sharon Stone was doing but Sandyballs vetoed that on the grounds she might not be wearing any knickers and would look too rude.

Anyway, to the ramble. The NERDS climbed up and up the Downs to show Dio the view over the Weald which had all allegedly been covered in forest in Roman times. Dio was impressed; there hadn’t been many ancient Romans in New York and trees were a bit scarce in Manhattan so he kept taking photos like all Americans do. Matt told him that the Romans had felled most of the trees to build a fleet of ships to be led by Princess Diana when she sailed against the Spanish Armada, and Dio was even more impressed with Britain’s strange history.

Eventually, after a lot of slipping around in mud and stuff the NERDS arrived at The Anchor in Ringmer which was Bronco’s favourite watering hole ….. Except he wasn’t there. “ Has an old bald bloke called Bronco been in?” asked Lafayette. The barmaid looked blank and just then Bronco himself breezed in. “Oh you meant Molestor Malcolm, the old git; why didn’t you say? “ rejoined the barmaid, and we knew we’d got the right person.

Bronco looked in fine form having recently got over the NERDS’ Christmas dinner which was when we’d last seen him, so we all sat down and ordered huge lunches. Sandyballs said ( a propos of nothing) that Lafayette’s looks had declined in proportion to the further he had climbed up the Immigration management scale[Pot calling the kettle black! – see Sandyballs’ portrait. Ed.] and that’s why he had scared young Flintoff.
Lafayette was miffed at this and accused Sandyballs of having milked the system during his career by all the lavish expenditure he had incurred with his stays abroad and switching diplomatic residences etc. He implied he was as big a social climber as the Captain and was only having a big wedding for his daughter so that he could get Elton John to play the organ and have Tina Turner and Arthur Brown lead the dancing. Blows with handbags were exchanged and order was restored.

Meanwhile Bronco got on eating his portion of crab brain (he’s a connoisseur, you see) and said although he’d starved himself for several days he was prepared to share his cheese-board with the rest of the NERDS. He then mentioned he’d had a recent invitation to the royal wedding (the real one) in view of his special skills. In fact he was to be employed shovelling up all the horse shit after the royal couple’s procession had passed by. Quelle honneur!

Finally Bronco disappeared in his car with Matt who was taking him home to give him some Catholic, political Fenian lessons which might come in handy for when he did that afternoon’s shift (?) and the rest of us had to get the bus back from Ringmer which was uncomfortable since it was full of pre-pubescent school kids spreading their pre-pubescent miasmic stink everywhere and yelling “Oink” and “Poo” at each other.

However, another good ramble and thanks to Sandyballs for the route and the entertainment. Next ramble should be in the New Forest so we’ve invited Bronco along to pick up all the pony shit which might incommode us.

Bye for now.
