Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Froggy's suggestion for 2020 October ramble

Hi Harry

I seem to remember that, years ago The Shining Light recommended an Eastbourne pub crawl. But it was all on pavements and we can't do that sort of thing during lockdown. I am not familiar with the "far" side of the town so my one and only suggestion is to do the old chestnut favourite of walking down off the Downs to either the Pilot or the Ship (we'll have to agree on one of them for booking purposes). We would need to get off the bus at the Eastbourne Downs Golf Club/South Downs Way bus stop. We have all done this walk so there would be no surprises. After lunch we could follow the usual promenade walk and could always try and pop into the Buccaneer en route back to the bus stop/train station? I know Matt enjoys this one! One for further discussion in the zoom. Seaford ETA at 10 might be a little early, unless we take refreshment in the Old Boot, which actually opens at 10. I'll make a note of the bus times so that there's no time wasting at the library bus stop.



October 2020 Arrangement suggestion


Hi all,

This month we meet on Wednesday 21st. I am contemplating a shortish ramble around the Eastbourne area. We haven’t been there collectively for some years and it is largely terra incognita for your Routemaster, so I would appreciate some help and ideas from those of the Seaford community.

Shall we meet at Seaford Railway station at about 10.00 ? Then a number 12 bus ride. Let me know if you have any thoughts. By the way the scheduled Zoom meeting is the day before so we may as well stick to that. I will send out the usual log-in details nearer the time - it is the same as before of course.

Glad we are not back in lockdown!


Saturday, September 19, 2020

September 2020 joining instructions

This month the renascent NERDS walk on Wednesday 23rd. As previously stated, the event will be centred in Lewes, so Seaford types should take the 10.25 train and I will meet you outside Lewes station .Don’t forget your face mask! We will take a gentle stroll to The Blacksmiths Arms in Offham. We have been there before but the pub under the new management now does Jamaican food. You can look at the menu online and have a moan to yourselves about the prices. However, there should be a 25% discount on the day we visit. I have booked a table for 12.15.

We shall have time in Lewes for a coffee before the walk as most pubs (including our lunchtime destination and The Brewers) do not now open until 12 noon. I would NOT suggest a drink at The Volunteer!

No Zoom NERDS session on Sunday 20th as we are away for the weekend.

See you next week.


Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Covid-19 April Fools' Day


What fascinating times we find ourselves enjoying in the twilight of our years. 

Given the slightly better weather and the drying out of the land we should be anticipating striding out in a mud-free landscape, listening to the sound of birdsong and the buzzing of bees…….Our destination would be an agreeable rural hostelry, perhaps with a thatched roof and roses around the door. Inside a smiling, buxom barmaid would be dispensing foaming pints at astonishingly low prices. Well, we can only dream.

Ultimately, when we get to the other side of all this I hope the NERDS can reconvene and rise Phoenix-like from the ashes and start rambling (and drinking) again.

Stay safe, all the usual clichés and keep in touch.


Thursday, March 19, 2020

St Patrick's Day Ramble - Cancelled

Sorry, but our "ramble" for today is cancelled .

Have a drink at home instead.

Happy St Patrick's Day (Oh, the irony!)


Sunday, March 15, 2020

New Joining Instructions 15.3.2020

Dearest NERDS,

In view of certain fears by certain members, the ramble this Tuesday will be modified.

It would probably not be a good idea to go into Brighton and mingle with the dirty, filthy hoi poloi that infest this den of iniquity.

We shall therefore meet as usual chez moi for a St Patrick's drink and visit Rottingdean for drinks and a meal at The Plough.

We shall be travelling on public transport so those who are scared of infection may wish to book their own taxi or sedan chair.

See you all on Tuesday. Keep washing those hands! 


Sunday, March 08, 2020

Joining Instructions for St. Patrick's Day Ramble March 2020


We shall celebrate St Patrick, patron saint of Jamesons, on Tuesday 17th March.

The plan is to meet up chez Lafayette between 10 and 10 30 where we shall have a drink and hatch our plans.

These will probably include taking the bus to Rottingdean and going to The Plough for lunch.

After this a trip to the fleshpots of Brighton cannot be ruled out.

So dig out your old green jumpers and don't forget your buspasses

See you all on the 17th.


Friday, February 14, 2020

March 2020 day Arrangements

St Paddy's Day (on a Tuesday the 17th) has been chosen for the March ramble and we'll at least be able to welcome Dio, who absolutely loves doing this!
Twill be sad not to see Michael there but I'm sure he'll be toasted and remembered more than once.

2020 February's "ramble"

We had a very strange ramble today with me being the only one to leave Seaford. Charlie joined me at Newhaven and Harry at Lewes. No sign of Matt, Tubby, Bish, Paco or Malcolm at Lewes with Harry. So, even though this was Tony's gig he notified Harry that he couldn't come as he had a cold and was going off somewhere tomorrow - huh! Matt chose to drive to the pub as he had a cough (didn't hear it once) and Tubby had his usual better offer. Don't know about Malcolm but Paco also turned up in his car at the pub having arrived for the next train and re-reading Harry's joining instructions! We 3 arrived at the Rainbow at 11:05. No alcohol until 12:00 and the coffees were lukewarm! Pleasant chilling was interrupted by migratory wildebeest old trouts and we had to get to the booked table sharpish to get out carvery roasts in sensibly good time! Good value roasties and we all enjoyed a good lunch. Matt was going to Sainsburys and took Harry & Charlie so I chose to go with Paco and check out North Way to see if anything was happening with Mike's gaff - zilch, nada, nothing! Apart from actual rain-called-off rambles, this one has to go down in history as the shortest ramble I've ever been on (sung to that well known Philby tune). Found myself at home well before 15:00!!!

Sunday, February 02, 2020

February 2020 Ramble joining instructions

Our next meet is on Wednesday 12th. Once again we can look forward to a short ramble this time, which may be music to (some of ) your ears.

This time we can thank Tony for our choice of lunch destination. 

He spotted that The Rainbow Carvery just outside Cooksbridge does a roast dinner on a Wednesday for only £8.95p. Apparently the food is good as well, as Tony has tried the carvery there on a Sunday.

I will book a table for 6 persons as I ever know how many NERDS are actually going to turn up.

Anyway, the train to go for is the 10.25 from Seaford. I (and hopefully Malcolm) will meet you on Platform 2. There are trains going back to Lewes at convenient times.

See you on the day.


Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Further February Ramble date suggestion

Hi all,

How about Wednesday 12th? Any objections?


Thursday, January 16, 2020

February 2020 Ramble suggestions

Happy New Year to all Nerds...........

.........and now what about the February ramble? I'm having such a bizzy life (ho bloody ho) that dates need to be agreed before my diary fills up (no bloody no). It was somewhat left at "mid Feb" and I was hoping that maybe we could ramble and remember MC on his birthday on 15th Feb but alas that falls on a Saturday. Over to you Nerd Founder Members................and let's hope there can be a walk of sorts, one that can accommodate gripey knees and other such ailments? I myself am having a hell of a job just getting my left leg into undies!!! I'm told it is hip. But I don't see anything cool about it!!!

Froggy XXX

The New Year, Lafayette Birthday Ramble

The January 2020 Ramble

Starting at Lewes Station the NERDS:- Froggy, Paco, Matt, Malcolm, Harry, Tony, Dio and Lafayette were joined by the Darksiders:- Ed, Sheila, Jane, Marion and Debbie.

A trip went up Southover street and immediately had a pit stop at The Kings Head. Harry and I had sussed this revamped place out previously just to make sure it was still selling beer. It was. Then along the road to Kingston for lunch at The Juggs.

Lunch wasn't bad. Malcolm turned up late so we ate his starter; then he turned up - ha, ha! I spent a fortune on prosecco for the girlies (and everyone else) but it was nice stuff and I'm not an expert. Then the NERDS all seemed to slide off leaving me to take all the Darksiders to The Depot by the station where we all drank gin. So not a bad ramble - but a bit expensive.