Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Froggy's suggestion for 2020 October ramble

Hi Harry

I seem to remember that, years ago The Shining Light recommended an Eastbourne pub crawl. But it was all on pavements and we can't do that sort of thing during lockdown. I am not familiar with the "far" side of the town so my one and only suggestion is to do the old chestnut favourite of walking down off the Downs to either the Pilot or the Ship (we'll have to agree on one of them for booking purposes). We would need to get off the bus at the Eastbourne Downs Golf Club/South Downs Way bus stop. We have all done this walk so there would be no surprises. After lunch we could follow the usual promenade walk and could always try and pop into the Buccaneer en route back to the bus stop/train station? I know Matt enjoys this one! One for further discussion in the zoom. Seaford ETA at 10 might be a little early, unless we take refreshment in the Old Boot, which actually opens at 10. I'll make a note of the bus times so that there's no time wasting at the library bus stop.



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