Wednesday, March 23, 2022

March 2022 Ramble

This is what happened last week. 

Wednesday March 16th 2022. We were: Sandyballs, moi (Lafayette), Froggy, Paco, the Bish and the Admiral.

The NERDS entrained to Glynde and then Routemaster, S.B. led us up a steep hill past all the Glynde Estate Peasants' cottages to The Glynde Hang Gliding Club where we stopped at a tea/coffee/ bacon and eggs/shack to have a quick drink and to recover from climbing the hill. 

In the fascinating elevenses' chit chat we discovered that Froggy did indeed have a Baron de Haas in his family, although this was on his mother's side so it probably didn't count (ha, ha! boom, boom!)

We descended on to the A27, the road no pedestrian ever dares to cross, but we did it because of a thoughtfully placed pedestrian crossing.

We walked through Firle village where someone seemed keen on chopping all the trees down - probably because they'd all got Covid. Then we went into The Ram

which is well known for its pretentious meals and high prices (well the NERDS are all rich now and retired so no longer are we barred from poncy pubs just because some of us talk too loudly).

We sat round a round table and Admiral even had the temerity to ask for a change of beer because it was cloudy. In fact the food was good although bigger portions would have been welcome, and the place was actually warm and welcoming.

Thereafter it was quick march back to the station

at Glynde including braving the A27 again, followed by a quick drink at the Runaway, then back home.

Thanks be to Sandyballs for taking us on a NEW ramble and for holding off the Sussex sandstorm which we got later instead of rain.

It must have been good - it all took place on a Wednesday. Hooray!




BT said...

Dear Nerds

Well let's just say I hope there are no lumberjacks anywhere near me as I wouldn't fancy getting cut down! Thank you Charles for that delighful piece of imagery! Yes folks, tested positive this morning and am having to self-isolate. Even though the innoculations have taken away its life threatening properties it still packs enough punch to make me feel like shit.

Hopefully, I will be well rid of it before the next Seaford-based ramble on Tuesday 12th. An idea is forming to meet Harry in Steamworks, then walking along the seafront to Splash Point and climbing up and across to the View for a pit stop and/or more. Joining instructions to follow, once I stop snivelling, wheezing, coughing, aching and generally feeling sorry for myself.

The Exiled Frog

BT said...

Snap! I became an official plague victim on Monday. Coughing and spluttering like everyone else! Hoping I go negative before Friday when we are due to have a long weekend in Dorset. Chances are against it I suppose.
Projected ramble plans seem fine.



BT said...

Dear S.B. and Froggy,

Sorry to hear you've both got the lurgy. Hope you get better soon. Don't talk to any girls!


P.S.  I tested negative this afternoon thanks to the administrations of my personal Nurse Danielle.