Thursday, August 02, 2018

Joining Instructions for August 2018 Ramble

I am your route-master for this one.

Seaford/Newhaven contingent to take the 10:25/10:32 train to Lewes. Please buy a return ticket to Berwick (£3.30 with railcard).

There will only be 6 minutes between arriving at Lewes at 10:41 and departing for Berwick at 10:47. Harry, could you please meet us on platform 3? No time for the Runaway, sorry, but we should be able to quaff a pint or two at the Berwick Inn.

The plan is to walk to the Plough at Upper Dicker along some of the Wealdway and return to Berwick Station along some of the

Vanguard Way. It won't be as long as I had planned as there will be no detour to Pete's Yew Tree.

Imogene, I hope that you and Bandit can make it, but be warned there are a few styles
on the way back! (Ed. Froggy; please note that this is a STILE!!)

See y'all next Wednesday.


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