Friday, March 13, 2015

March 2015 Ramble Joining Instructions

Herewith the depressing joining Instructions.
The day will be Tuesday the 17th of March

"This annual event takes place next Tuesday. Being creatures of habit we are going to repeat the ramble of last year ( and the year before that?) and make our way by bus to Rottingdean. There we will wander around aimlessly until a hostelry deigns to open to have the ritual pint of Guinness that nobody really enjoys. Thereafter lunch will probably be taken at the pub by the duckpond, whatever that is called ( you can tell, can't you, that I have deply researched this ramble). Following that we will do a ramble of sorts up by the windmill before rejoining the A259 at St. Dunstans. Then bus into Brighton and to our Holy Grail - or The Fiddler's Elbow - for some faux Irish celebrations.

Lafayette has kindly offered that we can meet at Lavender Lodge at about 10-ish. As ever, the only true Irish NERD will not be with us - however one or two half-breeds will be representing The Old Country.

I suppose one could always wear something green.....?


So much for celebrating the saint who rid Ireland of snakes!

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