Monday, September 29, 2014

September 2014 Ramble

NERDS' Ramble No. 298 - 26th Sept. 2014.

Those Present – Lafayette, Froggy, Sandyballs, Matt, The Bish, Curly Clarke.

The Bramble Ramble.

First of all an important announcement to all NERDS. It will soon be (numerically speaking) the 300th ramble. Since, however,  Lafayette failed to notice this in good time to enable everyone to organise the mass celebrations which are obviously appropriate for this huge event, the NERDS steering committee has made the following decision. October's and November's rambles will be respectively nos. 299 and 301. Ramble No. 300 will be held next May when everyone has had time to consider the gravity of the occasion and been able to agree on a venue. Sorry, B.T. Your suggestion of Marrakesh was shot down in flames. The other NERDS didn't like the idea of provoking ISIL by having a big piss-up in a muslim country however cheap the Easyjet tickets might be. (Nice try, though!)

Anyway, on to ramble 298. There was an exceptional attendance today with the Bish and Curly Clarke both gracing us with their presences. Paco was still making his ambitious climb up the Border Control career greasy pole at Gatwick. We hope to hear that he will soon be in over-all contol and ridding the country of absolutely every single illegal immigrant who ever dared show his filthy face..... rant, rant  don't get me started. Anyway Paco wasn't with us that day.

Sandyballs has got us a new route beginning at Cooksbridge,
but first we had to meet S.B. at Lewes to know where we were going.
Everybody put on baseball caps to greet (and confuse) him. The signs were ominous when we saw he'd got an ordnance survey map with him. How far were we going then? No matter, the weather, albeit overcast, was warm and the countryside round there was very pleasant and er.. pastoral so we set off optimistically.

First of all we got lost a bit in a field then got our bearings somewhere in the vicinity of  Hamsey Manor (Very poshe and just Lafayette's style).
Then the Bish started collecting conkers until we got to a field with a couple of rams in it who were obviously worried we had designs on their sheep until Froggy assured them in welsh that we hadn't.
Matt, meanwhile was dancing around announcing it was “ Touch a Tit “ Day and trying to tweak everyone's nipples. ( Ah, yes, we do have lots of fun on NERDS' rambles.) And after all this excitement we tried to cross a small bridge into another field and got hopelessly enmeshed in brambles (hence the name of the ramble this month)[ not to be confused with the 2009 July Bramble Ramble]. So many fantastic events we were nearly dying of excitement by this stage.

Shortly after we went into a bit of a wood in the vain hope we might just discover the missing girls which Boko Haram had abducted – but it appeared they hadn't yet got as far as East Sussex so no black mistresses for us that day. On, on to a remarkable church
(Our Lady of the Touchy Tits) which had a very interesting pool infront of it where Our Lady used to drown witches whenever she got pissed off at people trying to touch her tits. Matt thought he would chance his arm (or finger) at this since it was his special day (T.a.T. Day) but was met at the front door by our Lady herself who tried to lure him in with promises of coffee and sex, and with the obvious intention of converting him into a Protestant. Matt sensibly fled while the rest of the NERDS thought he ought to have stayed with the sex he knew (the right handed sort) rather than mix up his religious fantasies like this.Yes, Matt, I know, that your solicitor is currently looking for work.

We walked down the lane from the church and Lafayette had his photo taken in what looked like a large African hut
at the side of the road, (Lagos House). 'No Boko Haram girls in there,' he reported disappointedly; 'Our Lady up the road must have drowned them all as witches in a fit of pique.'

At this point Froggy and Curly were comparing their Burger House shirts which were identical except that Froggy was complaining that Curly had been using him as  a sartorial role model and was trying to dress exactly as he did (as if Curly gave a toss). Meanwhile Sandyballs took off his jacket and revealed his own Gay Cyclists tee shirt which had a much more elaborate pattern and put Froggy's dull black tee shirt quite to shame.

Eventually we reached Barkham Cross where the Royal Oak beckoned and so we all went in.
Not a bad pub where we all sat outside in the pleasant garden and stuffed ourselves. The food and drink were excellent – most of us had lamb and then pudding and then wine and then cheese boards and then more wine until we were replete.
Lafayette went inside to fill up the glasses and noticed a poor, old, scrawny cat drinking water out of a dog's bowl and bouncing off the furniture. In answer to his enquiry, the landlord said proudly, “ We're twinned with some pub up in Shropshire that had a strange dog who kept coming in and colliding with the furniture, so now we've got our own Gatto Ciego who does the same. He's quite sweet really but unfortunately the mice run rings round him. Lafayette was impressed.

After lunch we did some more exciting walking through pleasant fields etc and got really lost once again although S.B. saved us once again with his map.
Eventually we reached the Rainbow at Cooksbridge where we sat in their “Secret Garden”
and drank some more and where Froggy told us a tale about a man who had had a terrible accident and had then had experienced multiple orgasms all day long.
Most of the NERDS couldn't work out whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, but at least it got rid of the boring need to talk to women and buy them presents etc. so maybe it had its advantages .

Down the road we went to get the train back from Cooksbridge, but desastre!
The 16 20 failed to stop leaving us stranded at least two miles from Lewes!
So we just waited for the next train (there were two an hour) and chatted and sobered up a bit – but not too much 'cos we were enjoying ourselves.

Back at Lewes everyone except Matt  and The Bish piled into The Lansdowne Arms and Curly introduced us all to a new drink – Black sambuca – which he'd encountered during his many travels.
Lafayette took to this quite quickly but was a bit wary that its colour might unleash some sort of magic and give him multiple orgasms for ever, especially when the young, pretty barmaid looked at him cutely and asked him if he was pre-loading before a big night out. “No thanks,” said Lafayette, “ Too much effort at my age; I prefer playing bowls and polishing my airguns.” The barmaid had the grace to look disappointed.

So another good ramble. Something new and different for which thanks go to Sandyballs. Remember the juggling of the numbers with the next couple of rambles and after Christmas we shall probably go somewhere exciting for the 300th, Incha' Allah, as they say in christian countries. Lafayette thought he'd get Matt to consult Our Lady of the Touchy Tits in Cooksbridge for inspiration. After all he's a good Catholic boy and she might well tell him where to go.

That's all for now.


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