Tuesday, February 11, 2025

February 2025 Final Arrangements

Calling all NERDS,

This month we meet on Wednesday 19th. As previously notified, we will dine at The Rainbow in Cooksbridge for a gut-busting Carvery roast.

The pub doesn't open until 12 noon so I have booked a table for 6 at 12.15.

This time the Seaford mob should take the 11.24 train ( bit later than usual) which arrives in Lewes at 11.41. The Cooksbridge service leaves at 11.55 -giving thirsty NERDS a chance to perhaps slake their thirst at The Runaway cafe?

Now, Mike T will be joining us as Is Dave Hack (no nickname for him yet!). Therefore if all the usual suspects turn up we will be 7 at table and a bit crowded. Can I therefore ask if any of you will NOT be attending, please let me know. Otherwise I will rebook for 7. Charlie, what about The Gorilla? If he is interested I will have to try for a table seating 8?


1 comment:

bt said...

Harry and fellow Nerds
Last time we were there scoffing our carverys, was in a back room
which was a trifle cold. So be warned you incoming Nerds, wear something
warm underneath!
Thank you Harry, I will pledge to walk back with you whatever happens?
(Car drivers et al)
Froggy, aka as the one that couldn't get there before the 8th ramble in January 89
but joined in style at a cost of loosing his beloved Gucci loafers in ploughed fields.
Thank you Charles for that introductory slippy slidy walk to Piddinhoe and amen to the
memory of the Royal Oak for hosting the original gorilla joke. So we need to know why 
Steve has been nicknamed so? And is it anything to do with chalk?
Matt and  I will have some recce info by the time this happens.
Froggy, again