Monday, June 24, 2024

2024 June's "Ramble"

The NERDS met at The Steamworks in Seaford.

At least, Laf, Froggy and Sandyballs did.

Steamworks is actually the sort of place people drop into for a genteel cup of coffee and a chat rather than a raucous shouting match that seems to occur whenever Froggy is holding forth.

Nevertheless we all managed to restrain ourselves (at least during the first pint) and discussed who wasn't there.

The previous day it had been Steve Sheridan's funeral attended by Froggy, the Bish and Matt. The latter was not here today because he had a dental appointment. The Bish had had his eyes fixed (cataracts) and could not find his way to the pub. Who else was left? Oh, Paco, of course, so Laf gave him a ring.

Paco had woken up in a panic. His oh so smart watch which now dictated his whole life had told him he was going to die within the hour and he was actually believing it. Laf calmed him down and told him to get his arse round to the Steamworks asap so that all his demons could be chased away with drink. A while later Paco turned up in his dressing gown (not really).

The NERDs were by now heavily into the ESB beer which tasted extraordinarily nice and it was now approaching lunchtime.

Froggy had all these exciting ideas about taking us round his Martello Tower

and introducing us to the bizarre people who worked there, but we were all hungry so instead made our way to the Cinque Ports pub

in High street and drank some more (different) beer.

What is attractive about this place is that it serves Thai food,.The NERDS have been here a couple of times before and the grub is consistently good. The Bish was there trying out his new eyes.

He was so full of joy at his new, improved sight that he bought Lafayette a drink!!! 


Just as we finished our Thai lunch the door opened and Steve (Gorilla) Brown walked in all the way from Calais via Kent. Greetings were exchanged and he too bought Laf. a drink (Lucky Laf. to be so popular all of a sudden). Everybody talked about how awful it was that over 800 "asylum seekers" had crossed the Channel the previous day. Poor things having no crossing allowance,

and being cold and wet and all. We wished them all well in their future careers.

After this things broke up and the NERDS diaspora took place. At least it's easy to get home from Seaford. Don't forget It's Summertime, and the Rambling is Easy. Fish are jumping etc etc.

So that's it and we hope you got the photos of us that Froggy took on his phone.

Bye for now.


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