Monday, May 01, 2017

May's 2017 Ramble Joining Instructions

In May we are destined to walk on THURSDAY 11th.(Saint Mamertius day - a well known saint from France who died 461ad and was known for his learning!Ed,) A little bird
has whispered to me that this is in fact Don Paco's birthday.
Following on from Froggy's birthday in April, it seems that there is a pattern emerging. Who has their birthday in June?

Anyway, the same little bird has suggested that Paco is willing to host pre-ramble drinks at his place on the day
and then routemaster a jolly jaunt around Seaford. Can all this be true? If it is it would suit me as I don't get back from holiday until the day before.

Paco, let me know if all this is just fantasy. If it is a problem I am sure we can come up with an emergency alternative.


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