Yo! Nerds!
Might as well get the joining instructions out early, so that I can relax for a short while and pretend that I too am retired! Huh! Fat Chance! They will be bleeding me dry for the full remaining 2 years...moan moan moan groan groan groan, bummer......Well done to dear old Harry for getting out when it really mattered the most!
I've worked out a couple of familiar(ish) walks, reduced in length to just 4-5 miles in order to allow for unexpected delays & distractions from the odd deer watching; bird watching (both kinds); hip flasking; old thumpering and general bad behaviour. My long-standing idea of incorporating the lunch pub facilities at Burley was knocked well and truly on the head when I discovered that there was no return transport ! - oh well, maybe we could actually stay in the village at a future date? And maybe, just maybe we could take a detour there before going home, just to check it out? In the wake of such disappointment, t'was a struggle to decide which walk when and where; but, in the end, I've settled for a return train @ 17:44hrs (@ £3 x 4 - from whip) on the half day walk and a return bus (payment for just me and BT then [ Oh no, just you as my bus pass is still valid!!]) every 30 mins on the full day ramble, which should allow for quite a laid back start time (especially after all the beans I'm getting for breakie)! and which will also introduce us to a brand new lunch pub, not a million miles away from our favourite Oak Inn (hmmmmm, maybe I've given away too much here)?
Anyway, in order to gird our loins at a reasonable hour for the first day ramble, I propose to be leaving Harry's no later than 10:15hrs. I shall therefore be "doing my taxi thang" at Lavender Lodge at 09:30hrs. In-car entertainment will no doubt allow the Skinheads to go bowling; as well as offering a slight peppering of shit-kicking music for Brian and some old (& new) favourites to delight Lafayette & Sandyballs. Please make sure you already have your water bottles; suckies; newspapers; johnny bags etc. as I shan't be planning on stopping en route (at any point) and I have it mind to be arriving @ 12:00hrs in Brockenhurst (whether the rooms are ready or not)!
It goes without saying (so why am I saying it)? that I, for one, am really, really looking forward to spending some quality time in one of my all-time favourite places with 3 of my all-time favourite friends......so let's make it a good one and I embrace you all!!!!! I've even splashed out on a brand new spanking up-to-date mappa mundi of the New Forest. And........no doubt......no doubt........ Tradition will be maintained with lunch at the Black Rabbit, on the return journey?
The Frogster XXX See you all on Tuesday 10th May!
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