NERDS’ RAMBLE No 255 - 9/2/11 .
Those Present - Sandyballs, Lafayette, Matt, Froggy, Paco , Captain Haddock.
Where was the Bish?
The hype had been incredible, the NERDS were all on tenterhooks, there was a whisper that The Bish had decided to return to the fold. The longueurs of retirement had apparently got to him - he had tried sailing but had found it too wet and dangerous; he had tried preaching to the masses but no-one had listened to him; he had even tried gazing over the sea for CoastWatch to prevent the UK from being invaded by Somali pirates but found that as an organisation it was somewhat bereft of sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll…… it was rumoured that he intended to make his big comeback appearance on today’s ramble. We could hardly wait!
But on assembling at Lewes station there was no Bish! Had he been kidnapped? Had he decided to eschew all fleshly things and go and live in a cave? Or was he just afraid of the horrible initiation rites he would have to go through to prove his manhood again? No, none of this. According to the spy in the chords, our sister organisation, (roflmfao), the Bish had simply got a bit of a cold and hadn’t felt like coming. Oh well tant pis, as the French would say, the initiation ceremonies would just have to wait. Sadly, the NERDS put away their razors, knives and other instruments of torture and rambled to the pub. This was the famous Brewers, owned by some of Sandyball’s family and as a result able to open up at 10 00hrs in the morning (for coffee, of course).
Sandyballs had been on a break (not a holiday) to Marrakesh where he had found that absolutely everything, even something as banal as a tube of toothpaste, had to be haggled for down the souk. So after a few days practice he had gone out to put his new found skills to the test and get the NERDS some presents (how thoughtful!)
Dipping into his rucksack he produced some wonderful woolly hats in garish colours with tassels hanging off them. Lafayette collared the least gay looking of these, a masterpiece in grey and brown, while Matt got the orange one and Froggy got the pink one (nuff said). We all agreed they were very special and Sandyballs was very kind, and that they were almost as good as the llama driver ones with ear flaps which he had brought back from Quito some time ago. (Eat your heart out, BT, you aint getting one!).
Well, after all this bounty and a few more coffees we traipsed out of The Brewers and up past the prison to begin the ramble proper over Lewes racecourse. Sandyballs had allegedly sussed out where we were due to go the day before but had managed to get disorientated. He had come up against some squire on a horse who had smashed him across the face with his riding crop and told him to get off his land. Sandyballs had yelled “Shan’t.” at him and had run away so now we were all in danger of grievous bodily harm by going (roughly) the same way. We managed to avoid any confrontations and toiled up over the race course with a brief pause in the middle to admire the windmill some German had built to spite the council. Then we went down the slippery, chalky other side of the Down where Sandyballs inadvertently pissed on someone’s dog, until we finally arrived at The Chalkpit just outside Ofham.
This has always been a good pub with lots of menu options and good beer. The NERDS were placed on a special table in the restaurant and immediately began to quarrel. Froggy reckoned the tassel on his hat was longer that Lafayette’s, but Lafayette said it was what you did with it that counted. It was then discovered that Paco and Froggy had been slagging each other off on Face book (how childish! Wot’s Facebook anyway?) Froggy had apparently alleged that Paco’s dad had been a secret Falangist during the Spanish Civil War (like Philby) and Paco had retorted that Froggy’s mother had been a collaborator in France and should have had her head shaved. Order was finally restored when the food came although Froggy kept muttering something which sounded like “Zizi, Riri, Caca” under his breath. Probably just a French provincial spell to get his own back on Paco.
After a good lunch we marched down into Lewes past BT’s old estate and suddenly found ourselves in The Elephant & Castle where there was a nice roaring fire to warm Lafayette’s bottom and where once again we drank a lot of coffee (and cognac). Froggy revealed that he had another mate (not Nick) who had done something terrible to some girl called Martine, although the gist of the story whatever it was, was lost on most of us. The Bishbog still hadn’t turned up so we wrote him off and said we’d canvass for new blood instead ( like Dio who had, sadly, been waiting in for the Electricity man this week).
So another ramble completed; not a bad one from Sandyballs considering the time of year and the people he has to put up with. Matt and The Captain then crept off back to the chords to tell them how much more fun the NERDS have than them.
Los Nierdos Para Siempre!
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