Saturday, June 02, 2007


We're all off again for another sortie, but with Sandyballs as "leader" this time on 7.6.2007. Photographs, perhaps with some scenery this time, and write up will be published on this Blog soon after. Well at least it's "published" rather then Froggy's aphotic 'novel' or is it an autobiography? We hope to enlighten our readers soon with another episode of the NERDS on their explorations of Sussex and its environs.

1 comment:

Froggy said...

More photos if you want them but Philby didn't use digital - did he?
I had to look up aphotic through Google because it wasn't in any of my vast tomes. Hmmmph! It has bags of light and it WILL make me the first famous Nerd. Well that's my belief and I'm sticking to it!