Monday, January 27, 2025
February 2025 Ramble Advice
I have set a provisional date for the meeting as Wednesday 19th. Please let me know if there is a problem with the date. I thought we could revisit The Rainbow in Cooksbridge. They have recently reinstated their Wednesday Carvery, which was always good value. The "walk" is very brief ( hardly qualifies as a "stroll"). If the date is OK I will book a table , probably for 6, and then confirm train times, etc.
Saturday, January 18, 2025
The January 2025 NERDS Outing
Lafayette was late to The Steamworks in Seaford that day, and believe it or not, Paco (And everyone else ) had got there before him. Laf thought the meeting began at 11 00hrs but apparently they had all started without him.
So anyway, the beer was good - it was Long Man Wicked
- very tasty. We were Paco, Matt, Sandyballs, Laf and Froggy. S. B. was wearing his new Christmas present jersey.
LAf was jealous, he had only got a dozen jerseys in his drawers and nobody had given him one for Christmas.
Just then Gorilla Bown turned up for a quick pint.
He could not stay long since he had to sort out the mess caused by his car being hit by some old git pensioner in Sainsbury's car park the other day. Good job Gorilla hadn't been in it at the time.
He and Laf
told the others about their recent trip to Andy Maskell's pub at Turners Hill where they had encountered one or two names from the past such as Ian Arnott (not drinking for 11 years) And Gareth Anthony - still tall, dark and Welsh like.
The Gorilla pushed off and the rest of the NERDS rambled about 150 yards to Pablo Picasso's which is now restaurant flavour of the month in Seaford, (and not at all far from the station}.
There we met up with The Admiral and Jan as well as Imogen sans poor deceased Bandido.
Everything was going swimmingly, the food was excellent, the wine was flowing, the conversation was sparkling until Paco suddenly became very pale
and had pains in his stomach. Bit of a bugger this in a nice restaurant, but a taxi was called and he was accompanied home. Next day he was found to have had only belly ache
and nothing more serious. Hooray!
So, Brian, that was the latest ramble (ha, ha!) and you see we are now getting more women joining us for lunch. Whether this is good or bad remains to be seen.
Hope you are all well and not freezing like us over here.
Friday, January 03, 2025
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