Saturday, March 23, 2024

Towards April


                                         So: March 17th - St. Patrick’s Day Ramble - Non Event!

                                            Oh to be in England 
                                            Now that April 's there,
                                            And whoever wakes in England
                                            Sees, some morning, unaware,
                                            That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf
                                            Round the elm-tree bole are in tiny leaf,
                                            While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough

                                             In England—now!

We all hope April’s ramble will be much better with participants, perambulation and the weather. I don’t think that it will be on All Fools Day, but who knows what Sandyballs will arrange? Froggy should be back from the far east should the arrangements be later in the month.  Our local flock of sparrows are busily feeding on the bird balls preparing for their parenthood.

Here in southern France the apricot, cherry and pear trees are in full blossom

and one can hear the bees busily collecting nectar from the flowers. Our local vines are still just sticks 

jutting out of the ground but will soon be putting forth green shoots and hopefully the wine this year will be fantastic. French Catalunya still has water restrictions as we are in the third year of a drought but it is not as bad as in Spain. I’m sure Paco has more up to date information on that score.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Saint Patrick's Day Gathering 17th March 2024

In lieu of a Ramble this month, Charlie and I plus a Mystery Guest

will be celebrating St. Paddy in Brighton this Sunday. Meeting in Wetherspoons - The Post and Telegraph in North Street - at about 11.15ish. Then to The Fiddlers Elbow for traditional music and the wearing of silly hats.

All are welcome.


Sunday, March 10, 2024

2024 March Gathering of The NERDS


Hi all,

This month we are not walking anywhere (so what is new, I hear you cry). Instead we are joining forces with the millions of people throughout the world who identify with the Irish diaspora

( Joe Biden for example) and celebrate St Patrick's Day.

In Brighton. The day - March 17th - falls on a Sunday but that should not detract from the fun.

I am envisaging meeting for lunch in Wetherspoons

at lunchtime for a spot of grub and then moving on to The Fiddlers Elbow

for some Guiness and didlee-dee music. I am not expecting a huge turnout for this event but there may well be one or two non-NERDS to boost our numbers.

Back to normal next month. Whatever normal means these days,

More details to follow.


Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Budget Day 2024 for the NERDS

Budget Day and the NERDS

Not such a good day for us, as none of us are actually working and would be eligible for a National Insurance payment reduction! All the other adjustments do not effectively mean anything to us. We all have our own homes, cars, children, pets and alternative lifestyles!! So; until next month, when the increase in the OAP and CSP come into force we will just carry on and keep calm! Froggy is off to the “Far East” but has a return ticket! BT is complicating travel to Laos and Cambodia if the conflict abates otherwise will continue drinking wine and Calvados in the South of France. Harry will probably be chauffeuring his children around Sussex and Charles will hibernating in his “man cave” leering at the scantly clothed wenches on ‘Vevo’. Paco will be recovering from his latest holiday in the Mediterranean being cared for by sultry NHS district nurses! The Admiral will be covering his back in the light of the problems with the RNLI. The Bish will be drumming up money to pay for the slavery reparations of the CofE

The NERDS will continue and make the best of the UK except BT who is immured somewhat in Pyrénées-Oriental.
