Thursday, February 22, 2024

February's 2024 Ramble

Yes. it was wet and ultimate very windy!.

Seaford station ticket kiosk was closed. So usual old git struggles to work out R/T

to Cooksbridge. Train delayed by 6 mins. Thinking about a kraken in Steamworks

when El Almirante appeared looking decidedly wet and bedraggled,

quickly followed

by the Bish,

with tales of woe about passport and the entire contents of his fridge theft

from outta Hilary's bag in Lisbon. Their trip to Cabo Verde was consequently cut short.

Delayed train at Newhaven took on board Steve and we 4 met Harry on platform 2

as arranged. Stepping out at Cooksbridge into light but insistent rain.

Timed the

walk along the noisy road to 12 minutes to the Rainbow. [That is 5 miles per hour!]. Somehow I don't think

that this is anywhere near a mile (though it felt like it in days of yore).

So, table for 5 in the backroom together with another group of 13 at another table. Noisy

enough to out-shout usual Nerds volumes but not enough to be in the face as was the

last lot next to us in the Rights of Man for Charlie's 77th birthday ramble. All plumped for the carvery.

No wine, only Harveys and Long Man. And no dessert. Quick walk back and thence to Lewes.

Parted from Harry, who had grandad driving duties

as none of his family cared about the

fact that he was on a ramble, and as such the sacred "allowed all one could drink and excused

of all duties" adage went truly out the window! Not that Harry or any of us seemed to care anymore.

Missed Charlie and Paco and Matt. And had they came, we would have had the maximum attendance

of modern day Nerds, at 8. The cords have a similar maximum number, so we must count our blessings

for such modest maximum turnouts and not worry too much when the average attendance dips to 3/4.

Sadly Brian, I never once thought to take any pics. It wasn't the kind of ramble to encourage it. Sorry!


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Tomorrow's final line up and arrangements.


We meet tomorrow, Wednesday, to visit The Rainbow Pub at Cooksbridge. I have been informed that both Charlie and Paco have reported sick with (Man) flu. Fear not, Matt is going to attend, albeit by car and The Admiral has promised to be there as well. With Tony and, hopefully Steve we should be 5 or 6 at table.

There is a very good chance of rain tomorrow so wear something sensible or take a brolly!


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

February's Ramble arrangements


First of all, very sorry to hear about Paco. Hope for a speedy recovery and a safe return to Blighty. Via a luxury hotel suite with hot tub perhaps! Paco – stay away from the Canary Islands!

Anyway, this month we meet on Wednesday 21st. A gentle stroll to The Rainbow

in Cooksbridge beckons. We will be enjoying the carvery which was excellent last time. I have booked for 5 or 6 as I don’t know how many we will be at table. Steve hopefully will be joining us.

I’m not sure if Matt will be driving or taking the train but I have booked the meal for 12.45. Those arriving by train should take the 11.24 from Seaford. I will meet you on Platform 2 at Lewes station.



Saturday, February 10, 2024