Friday, December 31, 2021

2022 Ramble in January Joining Instructions


For those attending the ramble on January 4th joining instructions are as follows:

Seaford lot get the train at 10 25hrs arriving in Lewes at 10 41hrs to pick up Sandyballs.

Make sure you have already got your ticket (remember Paco's problem last time) because the train to Berwick leaves at 10 47hrs ie. we have only 6 mins and no time to visit The Runaway.

Arriving at Berwick at 10 58hrs

we thereafter loll about in The Berwick Inn for a while and subsequently make our way to The Cricketers 

for lunch at 13 00hrs.

What can possibly go wrong? A Happy New Year to you all.


Tuesday, December 28, 2021

2022 Ramble in January



I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and are now recovered. 

The next ramble will be on Tuesday January 4th which coincides with my being 75 - I know, I know, no applause needed.

Provided that we are still allowed to mingle on this historic date, we shall go to Berwick for a snifter and then on to The Cricketers for lunch.

Firm joining instructions will appear in due course.

P.S. Keep praying for Paco.

Friday, December 24, 2021


 Happy Christmas to all our readers.


Monday, December 20, 2021

The Christmas Ramble 2021


It was a lovely day on the 8th December 2021with the weather  bright and crisp, and the NERDS all travelled to Lewes to meet Sandyballs. The Bish had gut rot

from too much pre Christmas indulgence, Paco was in werewolf mode having failed to find his razor Laf was a bit tired as usual and Froggy


S. B. was late but met us in the cafe opposite The Gardeners (handy!)

where all the Lewes Yummy Mummys congregate to drink their lattes and eat their vegan sandwiches. Paco had a mulled wine with a flake

in it which he found was actually a cinnamon stick - don't chew this!

It seemed a shame to bypass the Gardeners

so we didn't. A kind man gave up his table for us so we could spread out and drink our pints.

Off then round the corner to get the bus to The Halfway House

where we woke up the landlady as usual this time of year and had a pint of Old while sitting round a round table. Froggy and Paco drank rum


After this over the fields, a very pleasant short walk although somewhat wet underfoot (luckily S.B.. had his wellies on) to the Laughing Fish where we met The Captain

who generously bought us all a drink.

Then we had a good Christmas dinner with lots of Rioja and Malbec. We were stuffed.

Luckily we were near a bus stop so got the bus back to Lewes.

S.B. dropped off at home and the rest of us went to the station where Froggy gave us his Christmas gift of ten minutes silence during the train journey. What bliss!


Saturday, December 04, 2021

Christmas Ramble 2021 joining instructions

Hi all,

We walk (a bit) on Wednesday December 8th. Lunch will be celebrated at The Laughing Fish in Isfield with a pit-stop at The halfway House when we step off the bus.

If the Seaford lot take the 10.25 train I will meet you at Lewes station. There will be time for refreshment in the Cliffe prior to taking the bus. This could be at the posh coffee shop, full of Lewes Yummy Mummies or, alternatively, at The Gardeners Arms full of old gits. Take your choice.

See you on the day
