The NERDS did a ramble the other day. If I give you a report will you promise not to piss it about and produce your version? (Yes but be it on your own head regarding the images!)
Anyway, the NERDS met up at The Steamworks pub/bistro
next to Seaford Station.
The Bish and Lafayette were the two first and each found he had fucked up his right knee as a result of doing stupid things on rambles.
The rest arrived - Froggy, Sandyballs, Paco and Matt. We drank coffee and in some cases beer.
Outside it was sunny and hot.
Because of the euphoric weather someone decided to make Froggy Routemaster on the basis that even he couldn't get lost walking to Newhaven.
We walked along the seafront. The Bish bought prawns
from a wayside prawn seller and Paco told us about his plan to bring girlies on rambles.
He is never successful in this because none of the girlies he knows gets up before midday.
We walked along the abandoned railway line
to Tidemills then towards a lot of industrial rubbish infront of which someone had built a big fence - presumably to keep the poor immigrants out.
We skirted this and headed for the old Newhaven detention centre where we used to go and shout at Algerians.
This was obviously a nostalgia ramble because we passed Amy's paper shop AND The Engineer.
We didn't dare go in the latter even though it was open since rumour had it that the beer was poisonous.
We noticed that our old office was still knocked down
so stopped for a moment and murmured a prayer.
Finally we ended up at The Ark (again)
Lafayette seems to spend most of his life here.

The food was the usual high class pub grub. ( L is being ironic here, by the way) whereupon Froggy said he had been diagnosed with leprosy
and told he had to diet and lose two and a half stone. Good luck with that, Froggy.
The day was livened up when 3 Filipino slave girls came in for their lunch.
They were too good looking for us so we ignored them. Paco wanted to ask them if they were late risers but he was too shy.
Matt told some crummy jokes, Paco and Lafayette drank malt whisky and felt smashed. It was a good day. Then we went home