Friday, December 31, 2021

2022 Ramble in January Joining Instructions


For those attending the ramble on January 4th joining instructions are as follows:

Seaford lot get the train at 10 25hrs arriving in Lewes at 10 41hrs to pick up Sandyballs.

Make sure you have already got your ticket (remember Paco's problem last time) because the train to Berwick leaves at 10 47hrs ie. we have only 6 mins and no time to visit The Runaway.

Arriving at Berwick at 10 58hrs

we thereafter loll about in The Berwick Inn for a while and subsequently make our way to The Cricketers 

for lunch at 13 00hrs.

What can possibly go wrong? A Happy New Year to you all.


Tuesday, December 28, 2021

2022 Ramble in January



I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and are now recovered. 

The next ramble will be on Tuesday January 4th which coincides with my being 75 - I know, I know, no applause needed.

Provided that we are still allowed to mingle on this historic date, we shall go to Berwick for a snifter and then on to The Cricketers for lunch.

Firm joining instructions will appear in due course.

P.S. Keep praying for Paco.

Friday, December 24, 2021


 Happy Christmas to all our readers.


Monday, December 20, 2021

The Christmas Ramble 2021


It was a lovely day on the 8th December 2021with the weather  bright and crisp, and the NERDS all travelled to Lewes to meet Sandyballs. The Bish had gut rot

from too much pre Christmas indulgence, Paco was in werewolf mode having failed to find his razor Laf was a bit tired as usual and Froggy


S. B. was late but met us in the cafe opposite The Gardeners (handy!)

where all the Lewes Yummy Mummys congregate to drink their lattes and eat their vegan sandwiches. Paco had a mulled wine with a flake

in it which he found was actually a cinnamon stick - don't chew this!

It seemed a shame to bypass the Gardeners

so we didn't. A kind man gave up his table for us so we could spread out and drink our pints.

Off then round the corner to get the bus to The Halfway House

where we woke up the landlady as usual this time of year and had a pint of Old while sitting round a round table. Froggy and Paco drank rum


After this over the fields, a very pleasant short walk although somewhat wet underfoot (luckily S.B.. had his wellies on) to the Laughing Fish where we met The Captain

who generously bought us all a drink.

Then we had a good Christmas dinner with lots of Rioja and Malbec. We were stuffed.

Luckily we were near a bus stop so got the bus back to Lewes.

S.B. dropped off at home and the rest of us went to the station where Froggy gave us his Christmas gift of ten minutes silence during the train journey. What bliss!


Saturday, December 04, 2021

Christmas Ramble 2021 joining instructions

Hi all,

We walk (a bit) on Wednesday December 8th. Lunch will be celebrated at The Laughing Fish in Isfield with a pit-stop at The halfway House when we step off the bus.

If the Seaford lot take the 10.25 train I will meet you at Lewes station. There will be time for refreshment in the Cliffe prior to taking the bus. This could be at the posh coffee shop, full of Lewes Yummy Mummies or, alternatively, at The Gardeners Arms full of old gits. Take your choice.

See you on the day


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Good news (especially for Froggy) - we will not have an odd number for the meal on December 8th. We will be 6 at table as Mike T

has agreed to join us! I have to confirm the choices later on this week so I will need the menu choices from Mike and Paco in a day or so.

I am also going to pay the deposit of £10 each so on the day I would be obliged for a crisp tenner from all of you. Unfortunately I do not have one of those tap cash machines yet!

More info on train and bus times to follow.


Christmas Ramble Arrangements 2021

Anyway, to talk of the Christmas Ramble. It has been agreed that we reprise the lunch we had before at The Laughing Fish in Isfield. Along the same lines - train to Lewes, bus to the Halfway House for a pint, then a short walk across the fields to Isfield.The date is Wednesday the 8th.

The only slight problem is that the previous long-term landlords have retired and a new (younger) couple have taken over. To sort this out Charlie and I (accompanied by Mrs. Sandyballs) visited there recently for lunch. Lunch was good and the quality of the grub was fine. The pub hopes to be offering a Christmas Lunch but has not yet finalised the menu. We have made a booking anyway for the 8th and I will check back with them in a couple of days.

In the meantime I would be grateful if you could confirm that you are able to attend -or not.

Malcolm - I hope you can join us. Taxi job?


Friday, November 12, 2021

The November 2021 Ramble

Today's ramble started in Newhaven where Laf, Matt, and Sandyballs all met up with Froggy at the station. The latter had decided to walk all the way from his home to Newhaven, and arrived all sweaty and in a terrible strop

about something or other about which even he was not sure.

Laf took everyone to the Sidings,

the new, trendy Newhaven cafeteria and bistro which unfortunately turned out to be closed. Bummer! so we then rolled out Plan B and went to the Newhaven Coffee House

at the top of Newhaven High Street (which was open). Here we lounged around for a while watching Matt as he spilled tea all over the table.

Thereafter we did the rambling bit through NHN and towards the river in the direction

of Piddinghoe but not that far. The route meandered through some bushy, semi rural parts which were quite pleasant and mostly public free. The weather was mild and cloudy.

Shortly after we pitched up at one of Laf's favourite pubs of yesteryear, The Jolly Boatman.

This turned out to be ideal for everyone - there was no draught beer, we had to drink bottled stuff.

SB wanted Guinness but the Guinness was off,

and after a visit to the toilet there was no paper to wipe your hands. BUT in mitigation it was a very friendly pub and atmosphere goes a long way to creating a fun time.

Titch had rung Laf to say he was awaiting our pleasure down the road at The Ark

so we went that way in the hope that the Bish might treat us all. Not likely, but with time not being on our side we hurried off to the Luna Rossa

for lunch.

Rosario was pleased to see Laf

who spends a considerable amount of time , (and money!) in this place. The food and drink were excellent and the service was very good.

NERDS don't often go to restaurants because they're usually too classy for us but this one managed to put up with our engaging presence.

Afterwards we made a trip to The Ark for a pint of Harveys

and because it was on the way home for all of us. Froggy decided not to walk back this time but to get the bus, and Laf nonched back up the road to Lavender Lodge.

Next ramble is the Christmas one which may be to The Laughing Fish - we'll have to see......

Love to you All.


Friday, November 05, 2021

November 10th Ramble Joining Instructions

Dear Fellow NERDS,

Next week's ramble will take place on Wednesday 10th November.

Meet at Newhaven Railway station at 10 30 hrs approx.

We shall be doing a brief tour of the delights of Newhaven and will be having lunch at the Luna Rossa restaurant by the marina.

Can you please let me know if you are coming so that I can make a booking at the restaurant.

See you on Wednesday.


Sunday, October 31, 2021

November's Ramble Expectations 2021

 November's Ramble will take place around the Town of Newhaven .

The routemaster will be Charles .

Further information to be arranged!

Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Continuing Tales of the NERDS October 2021

Yesterday for the ramble we were four, a good number to get round a table. There was S.B. moi, Froggy and Paco. My muse had gone back to Denmark on a secret mission,

The Bish

had a cold

, Matt was off cruising

and Imogen couldn't come.

The weather was bright, sunny and warm so S.B. marched us off to The Depot for expensive coffees and where we wouldn't get too sunburned. We made a fine looking band
in our scruffy rambling gear

amongst all the Lewes Cognoscenti with their fine clothes and posh laptops all pretending they were not just DFL (Down from London)but also WFH (Working from home).

Then we began rambling through Lewes where we were held up on a pavement by a crocodile

of very polite school kids

going off somewhere to play footy. Lafayette stood aside to let them pass and they thanked him and called him "Sir" - very proper.

We did a bit of country walking

and got a bit disorientated in South Barn Farm where we bickered over the location of The True Path. Eventually we found it and went over the fields to the back of Kingston and thence into The Juggs.

As the sun was still shining we opted to eat outdoors (but under cover)

and started to lay into the Harveys.

Food was pretty good and coffee was augmented by the addition of clandestine brandy.

Lafayette had got a double hip flask given to him by his thoughtful daughter but S.B. provided the lunch brandy from the miniature he had nicked from a shop.

When it got cold Paco and Laf walked up Kingston High Street importuning hapless females by saying they were lost and enquiring about the time of the next bus. Since we established this was hours away we decided to walk back to Lewes instead. Half way along the road S.B. hailed a bus to Newhaven for Paco who was flagging.

Unfortunately Paco had forgotten his bus pass but the driver said he'd let him on as long as he promised not to drive his car back from Seaford station while under the influence. (Ha, ha!)

The other three managed to make it to The Swan where a discussion with The Black Barmaid about vinyl (wots that? )

ensued. Froggy promptly recited to her all the records he had ever owned and those of Curly Clarke too until she eventually expired of boredom.

Nothing much else happened in the pub; we were all too tired from the unaccustomed walking so we had a last pint then went home.

Monday, October 11, 2021

October's Ramble 2021 Joining Instructions


This month’s expedition is on Wednesday 13th. Just for a change we are going to revisit a favourite old ramble!! This time in Lewes!! It seems some time since we called in at The Juggs Arms in Kingston. At least a year anyway. The forecast looks favourable……Autumn colours……mists of mellow fruitfulness……aching limbs and joints. Should be memorable.

So the ever faithful 10.25 from Seaford and I shall meet you at Lewes station. Maybe a coffee first at The Depot? I will book a table at The Juggs for about 12.30. Pitstops at The Kings Head or The Swan, or both, cannot be ruled out ……..


Thursday, September 09, 2021

The NERDS. Ramble 8/9/21.

Those Present – Sandyballs (Harry),

Lafayette (Charlie), Froggy (Phil), Paco, Matt,

and Sasha.

The Glamorous Waitress Ramble.

It was a hot day; very, very hot. Probably the last hot day of Summer. The NERDS decided to celebrate by a) letting Froggy be Route Master and set the ramble and b) by going to The Steamworks in Seaford for a drink. The latter seemed to have become the cool (ha, ha) place for everyone to gather these days. Actually it was cool inside with a nice breeze to keep the old NERDS awake.

First Old NERD to turn up was Lafayette. His writing career had been in a bit of a decline since he had taken up bowling and hanging around school playgrounds instead. Well, you've got to get your writing inspiration from somewhere, haven't you?

Next along was Froggy, with a head full of bus and pub details and worried that all his carefully laid plans might go awry. Then was Sandyballs, glad to release (temporarily) the terrifying responsibility of entertaining the NERDS for a day.

Shortly after, and late as usual, rolled up Paco and his young ward, Sasha, who was spending some time under Paco's wing to finish her education. 

Sasha, had already been to most of the posh finishing schools in Europe – Rodean, The Lycee Parisien, and The Hellfire Club New York where she had learned the subtle arts of waitressing and how to strangle a man with one finger like James Bond does. Anyway she was with us during her last few days in the UK and specifically to upset the gender balance of The NERDS' Male Old Farts' Club.

Sooooo......the company all had a drink and then legged it for the bus stop to go to Birling Gap where Froggy would start his ramble.

It was nice and breezy on top of the hill just outside Eastbourne.

Froggy led us off in completely the opposite direction from that expected by Lafayette.

 But, what the hell... he was in charge that day. Have a bit of faith. Froggy dashed off ahead leaving Lafayette and Sasha to talk about Denmark ( where Sasha comes from). 

Lafayette wanted to know if all the people in Denmark were female, blonde and lived under bridges like on the telly. 

Sasha said that was all nonsense since some of them were actually brunette and got their looks from having mated with certain hairy trolls 

from Norway ( but not those in her family).

Lafayette was also interested in Sasha's plans for a future career and said he hoped she wasn't going to turn out like her father who had been found on a French beach raving drunk on one occasion, when he had been thrown in jail by the French police, and had had to be rescued by Paco and Lafayette from terrible disgrace and shame.

Sasha replied that she was not like this, she was a nice girl who wanted only to work for the Danish Secret Service 

in exotic places such as Istanbul, Bangkok and Bali while maintaining her cover as a cocktail waitress (albeit with special, deadly skills). Lafayette was impressed, although he did reflect that her father had seemed to have had all the necessary failings which might have led him into becoming a young NERD one day.

Anyway, back to the ramble. Froggy was getting further and further ahead 

so that eventually he disappeared altogether and was next seen emerging from a bush having managed to get himself all covered in prickles in some very sensitive places. No explanation was given; we thought he might have been lured away by fairies or trolls and then punished for telling them all about his amazing literary career and how many Booker prizes he had won.

However, Froggy did finally lead us down, down a steep, steep hill where everyone nearly broke their delicate ankles and arrived at the bottom still thankful to be alive and in one piece. Froggy led us to The Pilot, a pub where Matt was allegedly waiting for us in the garden. 

Since Matt had never met Sasha, it was decided to test her new career cover story and find out if she made a convincing cocktail waitress. Sasha went into a phone box, put on her skimpy dress and high heels then grabbed a menu and approached Matt. 

He had been feeling grumpy because The Pilot had seemed quite expensive and nobody was paying him any special attention. “Bonjour, Monsieur,” said Sasha (in Danish) “Would Monsieur like anything off the special menu today? We have lots of special dishes which are reserved only for the most handsome of our customers.” “ Get away from me, young woman” growled the grumpy Matt. “ In my day women waited until they were spoken to before daring to address their elders and betters, and why are you carrying a Beretta 9mm in your suspender belt?” “ That's just in case you get frisky with me,” said Sasha. “Fat chance of that,” said Matt. “All I want is a nice pudding that I can complain about and get for free.”

At this point Sasha revealed herself. (No, not like that, she told Matt she was vaguely related to Don Paco and wanted everyone to believe she was like Wonder Woman only better dressed. Matt admitted he had been totally taken in and had been so impressed he hoped she would become a full member of The NERDS and would come on all future rambles. Sasha said that sadly she had to slip out of England on Saturday as she had some secret work to do for her own country. And so the mystery was sort of solved and we all began to eat and drink.

The food and drink at The Pilot was rather good. Everyone had the

special pudding which was some sort of red cheesecake with icecream. If you ate enough it apparently made you very handsome or else made you sick. Lafayette finished off what the rest of the NERDS had left but failed to become anything like handsome although he did feel a bit sick. 

Shortly after this Matt had become so enamoured of Sasha and her exotic lifestyle that he decided he could not live without her, 

so he kidnapped her and took her back home with him, hoping that she would change him from his austere lifestyle of constantly hoovering his pristine home and watching dodgy television programmes. He wanted to stop counting all his money every night and spend it on his glamorous new project in the hope that she would serve him ever more special dishes and make him more youthful and handsome than ever. Well, there's one born every minute. Let's hope Sasha can escape to the exotic East before it's too late. 

Next thrilling episode to be written when Sasha returns from her travels abroad.

By the way the rest of the ramble was a bit boring in comparison to what had gone before. Sandyballs, Froggy, Paco and Lafayette went for a long walk along Eastbourne seafront and popped into The Stage Door for a last drink.

Many thanks to Froggy for the last drink and for quite an interesting ramble.

Many thanks also to Wonder Woman for reviving Lafayette's literary skills, but don't expect a write-up after every ramble now; it's only cos this was a special ramble that you got one.

Bye now,
